Sunday, July 15, 2007

Outfitting in traditional Hulk Wear

Hey, don't we need to start getting our official Hulk Wear going? Here's a shirt I found at Target online for 16.99. It's made for running and could look good. Who knows, maybe the Stitching Barn could add some embellishments for us.


Cathy said...

Are we wearing similar running shirts??? I'm okay with it but didn't know if this is for real or just joking.

Marie - can you fill us in on community costs please? Just need to know what the plan is.


Marie {Make and Takes} said...

I think that we should wear whatever you want for the race (I am probably going to bring 3 outfits, because they are going to be soaked with sweat).

But let's wear a fun Family T-shirt for when we all run in at the end together!! How does that sound?

Can we find a cheap $5 shirt and put a logo on it? I won't be stitching these this time, sorry.

Bri, How much does shirt printing cost? Can we use the Hulk, or is there copyright?