Friday, July 6, 2007

I was ruuuuuunnnnnnnniiiiiing!

I did check the blogs for the first time since I wrote a blog, the day before our conference call, and started to write a blog, then got sidetracked.

I've been running consistently. My last week...I ran a 3m a week ago thurs., plus another 3m that same night, a 3m on Fri, a 5m on Sat, a 3m on Mon., a 7m on Tues, (vaca wed&thurs) a 4m Fri, today. I plan to run a 5m in the morning, and a 3m in the afternoon.

I have been averaging 13.3 min. for 3m, 14 min. for 5m, and 15 min. for 7m. I have been going in hotter times, and a lot up Millcreek canyon. But I am used to training for the marathon, and you gotta save up for longer miles, so I go slower, so I can go longer. Today, since our convo last night, I pushed myself hard the whole time, and I did a 12:40 min for my 4m, today. I usually do a 11min. mile the first mile, and it usually adds a minute each mile I do. I don't really understand why I am so slow. It just seems to be, it's depressing at times. I feel that I push myself everytime, the whole time, or do I? I am really going to push my time all the time. It is hard, mentally to do that. And physically, too. But, my legs are 4.4, 4.2, and 7.3. I am worried about the last leg. I think if I keep pushing myself every run, I can get better times. I will keep you updated.

Today, I used my MP3 player. I don't really like it. I just love running with me, and nature. I am more focused on my run, and how I am doing, and more in tune with my body, time, and my surroundings. I definitely feel more grounded without the tunes. Once in a while, I really like the tunes, though.

I wore a different pair of shorts the other day, cause my long biker shorts were in the wash. Chafe! I was so desperate to run I ran like I was running to the toilet about to diarrhea. I was running in the parking lot at the the church up the street, so no onlookers. Except, maybe one visitor. Haha!

Today, I was thinking on my last mile, I just love this. I really love to run. What a gift for me.


Jared said...


suzyq said...

K- Just have to say that my title is Forrest Gump style, not diarrhea style, as Jared thought. It's pure coincidence that we both used Forrest Gump titles. haha.

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

When I run, like last nights run, I get sidetracked and find my self running slow. When I do, then i pick up the pace, then I repeat this the whole time. I am not consistant either. I need to try to stay more focused.

I think I am going to try this technique once a week: run for one minute really fast, then one minute slower, then one on and one slower. And only do it for 1-2 miles. Maybe that will help pick up my pace.

Cathy said...

Sue - You're inspiring!! I think it's awesome that you love to run and can do it without headphones. I'm like Marie - I think too much without my earphones. With music, it sets my pace. I only have upbeat songs on my IPOD so that really helps. I love it when I'm tired and all of a sudden a great song comes on and inspires me to "pick it up" and "push it"!!

I am in awe of your 7 miles. I'm not sure I've got that in me. I had better get it huh??

Love ya.

neffgang said...

Sue, you're amazing.
