Thursday, June 21, 2007

Okay- Where is everyone's mileage at?

I am curious as to where everyone is with miles. Now be honest :)
What is your usual mileage you run (i.e. 3m/day, 5m/day, etc)?
And what is the longest run you have done?

My usual I run is 31/2 - 4 miles/day - but I only run once or twice a week, lately. I need to step it up.

My longest run in the last 6 months is 4 1/2 miles. I am pathetic.

Please, I need to know I am not the only one that needs a lot of work, but also -- I want to cheer for those who are really working hard -- I know Marie is working WAY HARD! We ran in St. George together, last weekend! She is definitely a focused runner - it was so fun running with her!

(Hey, I have some pointers about speed training I will post later.)

So post your comments - I am curious!!! and Good Luck running!


Marie {Make and Takes} said...

I did a 4 1/2 mile yesterday and it wasn't that bad. I just did the up hill first and the rest was easy. I am very very slow, but I don't care anymore. I am just happy that I did it. I will try to only be doing atleast 4 milers now. I need to do a 5 on Saturday!!

Amy and The Mack Pack said...

Good for you that is awesome!!!