Monday, June 11, 2007

The Art of the Loogey

This might be too much information, but I feel the need to share.

I don't know about all of you but I have a hard time swallowing when I run. However, I also find it very difficult to spit when I run. So I have two choices (a conundrum if you will): I can try to swallow and hope I don't start gagging on the side of the road OR I can choose to spit and pray that it doesn't catch on my cheek and slobber down the side of my face (I hope you all visualized that very clearly).

I've found that spitting is the option for me. A forceful shot down and away works best. Feel free to share your own challenges.

Please Note: An important variable to always remember is wind speed and direction.

1 comment:

Amy and The Mack Pack said...

Funny --- hee hee!! That gave me a good laugh for the day. Thanks!