Saturday, September 15, 2007

The 13th Runner

Well, It is official! And, dang it, Cathy beat us to the punch on putting it on the blog!

Right after we got home, Sue made me go out at 1:00 in the morning to buy a pregnancy test. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a pregnancy test at 1:00 in the morning? Just to be sure, we used all three of the tests, and it was a definitive YES. Holy cow.

Sue says that looking back, she can now see why her running times had slowed so much in the two weeks leading up to the race and why that extra umph was so hard to find. We should have known when we saw the rabbit while waiting for Sue's first leg that something was up. Anne says that a rabbit coming around means someone is pregnant.

We had SO MUCH FUN doing this run. Truly an experience not to be forgotten. We expect all of you to join us in the Catalina Marathon next March (Sue will be 8 months then. D'ya think she might do it???)

And for those of you who don't already know what paradise looks like, here is a pic of our new hometown:

Be sure to click on the photo to see the FULL SIZE image! And after that, zip on over to The Catalina Crew blog to hear about our new life as islanders.


neffgang said...

If anyone out there in blog land thinks the water at Bear Lake is extremely blue, just grab a boat and head for the kelp beds on the east side of Catalina. Who knew paradise was so close?

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

You guys are too cute. I love that pic of the prego tests!!