Thursday, March 6, 2008

Knee Knockin' - ouch!

Well - I have had some knee pain and swelling in my knee this week so I went to my Chiropractor. I discovered that my right leg is shorter than my left and that my right foot also has the tendency to turn inward more when I run - thus causing knee troubles. Its funny because I have been feeling like my knees are about to hit sometimes (only when I am near the end of my runs - and tired). I was very stressed when I began to feel the pain. So, after getting all adjusted and aligned - my Dr. says I should still run - but take it down a notch. So I think I have been pushing it too hard to try and get faster. I keep forgetting I have over 3 months - I know I will get naturally faster as I go. Anyway, I have not run for the past 2 days, but I will run tomorrow morning. I will let you all know how it goes.
I will also be getting NEW shoes this weekend - because I know from experience that old shoes (mine are currently 8 months old - ran HTC with them - that is old for running shoes) can really mess up your legs.

Also - I was told by a couple people in the fitness world that I should ice my knees and legs after I run. I did that today (after a full body workout -alternate to running) and I feel like it helped. So - I don't know if that is helpful to anyone.

Thanks for letting me share- GO Incredible Holts!


Cathy said...

Wow Ames!! I love my chiropractor. I also have one leg that sometimes is longer than the other causing serious low back pain. So... adjustments make all the difference.

I'm sorry about your knee!!

Amy and The Mack Pack said...

My knees are feeling much better now! I took it easy the last couple runs - but I felt way better after the chiropractor. I remembered that I was also practicing to run on a hill on the treadmill - that has screwed up my knees in the past too - so I will just wait til I get outside to run hills.

neffgang said...

I'm sure everyone already knows this - but just in case, you should alternate which sides of the road you run on, since roads always slope from the middle of the road down the gutter - always giving one leg a shorter stride.