Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Leg Leg, who has the Leg?

Hi all,

I don't know about all of you, but I am so excited and I am a little anxious to start training according to the Legs I will be running. I have a suggestion that may be fun - and take a little pressure off of Cath. I was wondering how everyone feels about maybe getting together as Vans and making the decisions about what Leg assignment we might like and discussing with our Van peeps where our strengths are and work as a Van to come up with the best race order, etc. (Cath - I don't want to step on toes - let me know if you're open to that or if you would like it to be a Captain thing.) It might take some load off of you, Cath - alternative to trying to figure what strengths 12 people have. Also, it might be fun to make it a semi-team decision and to do some early bonding as a Van and have some fun with it too, making the decision with our Van peeps. Just a suggestion?

PS. I ran 5 miles yesterday! It was great - felt really good after. We need to hear more about other team members training and how its going for y'all!!! We need to help motivate each other! Run baby Run!!!

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