Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cathy Is Lying.

We are on our conference call and Cathy is lying.

Downhill runs make you want to die. Your thighs feel like Jello after mile one. By mile six, your stride is about two inches long because you can't stretch them out any further. Once you're done, you jump into a van and drive for five more hours without stretching. Once that's done, you get to run again.

But then again, carrying 40 pounds less and training a little could help!

Here's a picture of me after a short 100 yard downhill run. Note the Camo hat. Rumors that a Camo had would help the pain of the downhill run were greatly exaggerated.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Shuffle - gravity - shuffle - gravity - Oh yeah...... a little Rihana in the IPOD helps too!!!